Welcome to episode 4397 of dungeon guide series that's been beaten to death, but this one is different.
Most guides you see here, they're just shopping lists that shout out loud "BUY X, Y, Z AND YOU CAN DO THIS FLOOR!!!" and meanwhile gear is important, what's even more important is k n o w l e d g e of what to do in dungeons. I'd rather have a spirit scepter mage in floor 7 that knows how to do the terminals quickly, knows secrets, doesn't die and knows how to get crystals or pad properly, over a Hyperion mage that is the opposite. gear shouldn't be something to group people into a category. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" - Sun Tzu, the art of war.

The first part of this guide will cover strategies to clear the floor and make your runs more efficient, the next will unfortunately be gear I personally recommend for each floor (and budget alternatives for those who need), and the last part shall discuss strategies to defeat every boss. I will not be covering master mode for this guide. If you have any improvements to make, suggest the, in the post comments.

*note: I'm trying to be serious for once on the forums, so no floor 8 9 or 10 for this post. Y I K E S

The basics - What is a dungeon ? and floor clearing

Dungeons are randomly generated mazes that are full of puzzles, enemies, boss fights, and loot. They're recommended to play in a group of 2 people and above, as the days of "STRICTLY 5 F6 and above" are long gone for the better. To join a dungeon, travel to the dungeons hub through the portal in the mountain or via the catacombs entrance below the coal mine. You'll see an NPC named "Mort" (death in french), interact with it to open the dungeon GUI. From there, you can click on the floor you want to play as long as you meet it's requirements, and as long as you're in a party of 2-5 players.

When you warp into the dungeon, your party will be warped into the first room, the green or Starting room. if a player happens to disconnect during this time, do NOT click on the Mort NPC, this will automatically start the dungeon and lock away warps into the dungeon, as long as the disconnected player wasn't in the dungeon when it started and the gate opened.

The classes of dungeons
There's 5 unique classes that you can play in dungeons: Healer, Berserker, Archer, Tank and Mage, each with different play style and abilities. If you are the only one playing a specific class, the stats it provides are doubled.

Healers are supposed to do what the name says - Heal. This class specializes in healing, offering a passive 100% increase to all healing they cast, no matter what source it is from. Additionally, all players within an 8 block radius will recive 0.5% of their max HP per second .
When a Healer is active during a dungeon run, everyone else will get an invisible fairy that will revive them on their first death.

If a healer happens to assist killing an enemy, an orb will be dropped on the ground for some time, upon pick up, they will give the user 30% of their max HP back, along with a certain buff: Defence, ability damage, or normal damage. (for a limited time of course.)

clicking on a teammate creates a "Soul Tether", connecting yourself to them. Tethered teammates received 0.5% of YOUR maximum health as healing every second while they are within 30 blocks of you. Every 5 melee hits you deal while tethered will heal both players for 1% of your maximum health.

a Healer's dungeon orb abilities are a healing circle that heals all players within for 2% of their max HP per second (is bugged and stack with the double healing ability) and wish which revives all dead players, restores all teammates to maximum health and grants them a 20% health absorption shield.

Healer counts as a support class.

*Mostly unwanted in higher end teams, but is great to have for a lower end team.

Berserkers melee specialists which focus on dealing high single target damage.

Upon joining, Berserkers will receive a 30% boost to melee damage, along with 30 speed. Their passive abilities are "Bloodlust", which upon killing an enemy heals you for 1% of the damage dealt, and increases the damage of the next attack by 20% (doesnt stack). this bonus will expire after 5 seconds. Their second passive "Lust for blood" which is the most unoriginal name I've ever heard, increases the damage you deal to that enemy by 5% up to maximum of 100%, and this scales with your class level. (at max can allow you to deal over 1100% damage to a target with enough hits, but by then they're probably already dead xdd)

Their Orb abilities are a throwing axe which deals the highest melee damage dealt in the last minute to everything in its path (10s cd)
and the ultimate called "Ragnarok" summons 3 minions that deal damage to enemies you are fighting. (minions lose health over time, but their health scales on your berserker level)

Berserker counts as a damage/DPS/DPH(damage per hit/hour) class. Normally referred to as "bers"

*bonus: Akszew mained this class in dungeons for a while.

Archers are the ranged version of berserker, but instead, you use a bow. Astounding.

Upon joining, Archers will receive a massive 125% arrow damage , but a -25% melee damage, which is the only class that has a nerf to some stat.

Their class passives are a double-shot which has a chance to shoot an extra arrow, and increases your chance of failing blaze puzzle by 150%.
They also receive a bone plating which reduces incoming damage by X damage (scales with crit damage and archer level), with a 250s cd.
the third and final passive is "Bouncy Arrows" which allow your shots to bounce between nearby targets.

Their orb abilities are an explosive shot which deals the highest bow hit in the last minute in a 4 block area where it lands,and a machine gun bow which shoots 5 arrows per second for 4 second and each arrow deals 75% of your highest bow damage in the last minute.

This class is notorious for being too popular ,as there is some bow which i'm sure you know its name already, and apparently it can literally perform with no issue all the way to master mode floor 5.

Archer also counts as a damage/DPS class.

*bonus: most archer vocabulary consists of: "No you go bers I joined first!" and, "No you're a terrible DPS!"

Tanks are the second support class, and they specialize in EHP, whilst also protecting their teammates from damage.

Upon joining a dungeon, Tanks recieve +100 health and +50 defence. Their passives are a protective barrier which grants you a 25% total defence, and scales with your tank level. Upon falling below 50% HP, you gain 10% of your hp as an absorption shield. They also boost the chance of enemies attacking them by 25% (which is probably bugged because f7 boss ai go brrr), and diversion which diverts 80% of the damage your teammates take to you within a 30 block range. In other words, you absorb their damage along with your damage, so it enforces the EHP focus of the class. and you also gain an immunity to normal KB , which is bugged because floor 7 goes brrrr.

a Tank's dungeon orb features a seismic wave which deals 20000 damage to all enemies it hits +10% damage per 50 defence you have, which means you can easily deal over 100M damage with one shot at least in the higher end of tank levels and the far end game. The ultimate ability called "Castle of Stone" or COS for short, reduces the damage you take by 70% and automatically makes all enemies within a 10 block range attack you, which is good for floor 7 pre firing.

* I played this class alot and its generally very fun, as long as you know what to do, this class is pretty much mandatory in higer master mode floors , as things deal more damage than something that can get me demonetized.

Tank is a support class.

And finally,

"mage will be.. never properly balanced." - Jayavarmen, the alpha Hypixel network during dungeon testing.

Mage is the AOE/Clearing class for dungeons. Upon joining a dungeon, you'll receive a large mana boost. Your passives are a mage beam which on left click attacks deals 30% + 5 + 0.09 * mana up to 15 blocks which after damage is reduced. This developed a completely different style to mage called LCM or left click mage, but that's a topic for another time. Today we will discuss RCM or normal right click mage. The other passive is a -25% cooldown for abilities. Uh also forgot to mention, but mage is the squishiest class of them all, so dont expect insane ehp until catacombs level 50.

Their orb includes a guided sheep which deals damage to anything it hits, but used normally to destroy weak walls or crypts inside a dungeon. this can be also activated with left click.
and finally their ultimate is a thunderstorm which strikes every enemy within a 10 block radius for 15 seconds and scales with mage level.

* Legend has it, that Storm, a removed dungeon boss and the creator of Hyperion also invented LCM as a device that attaches to your arm and casts a beam when you swing with a weapon.

*sheesh that was a lot of writing*
Clearing the floor
Upon the gate opening, you'll enter the dungeon, which is full of rooms and secrets. First, I'll explain all of the different room types and some nicknames they get.

Brown Rooms - The most common type of room to be found in the catacombs. These have the most secrets and are the general bulk of the dungeon. They come in all shapes - 1x1, 1x2,1x3,1x4,2x2 even the letter L. Note that 1x(1 to 4) represents the size, these numbers represent how many small 32x32 block rooms fit in one room. of course , floors differ in size and some introduce new rooms.
A sub -category is 1x1 dead-ends. These appear rarely in floor 7 only, as they only are filled if the generation system fit all rooms and still have 1x1 spaces that weren't filled, typically at the edge of the map. here's an example of a dungeon with TWO of these rooms, which is pretty rare.
stop roomstacking you nons im trying to make a guide
View attachment 2875732

Purple rooms are puzzles. These are challenges that MUST be completed to get a good score, they're pretty simple as they go, but I'd recommend to download a modification called Skytils (for forge), or use a client like Badlion or skyclient ,since they have puzzle solvers and terminal solvers for dungeons. (these are allowed , just make sure to get them from the official source, for safety.) Failing or skipping a puzzle will result in a score decrease of 14 , which is enough to ruin your s+ floor 7 run.

Danger room (often referred to as "Trap room") is a much harder puzzle that also must be completed to grant you a good score. This room has 2 variants : Old Trap and New trap. Old trap has 4 secrets and is identified by having arrow dispensers in the walls instead of granite crushers. New trap has a crypt and a lever above a deathmite pit so be careful when trying to flick it.

Old can be "cheesed" by blowing up the crypt on the right hand side of the entrance and stonking to create ghost blocks to reach the chest, clearing the room without wasting much time.

New can be completed by blowing up the crypt and flicking the lever beside it, crossing the granite crushers which are pretty generous with their timing, going right and claiming the chest, going back up and left, and passing the second set of crushers and traps, remember to get a defuse kit to not activate the traps. after that, superboom the cracked wall/mage beam it, and you should arrive at a wall with some arrow traps. if they're active, time your movement and have over 50% max HP, as these things kill you in 2 shots regardless of what gear you wear . then flick the lever in the wall and complete half of the short parkour course, and go left and kill the bat secret, then jump back down and complete the rest of the parkour until you reach the end and the final chest. There used to be methods of cheesing this, however those were patched and I dont know the new ones yet xd.

On the way you might see some rooms with sides blocked by doors - these are wither and blood doors. Wither doors can be opened with a key that is obtained by killing every enemy with a star in their name or by killing the room's mini-boss. Same for blood.

Pink room is a checkpoint between start and blood, with a tree with 4 fairies, which can be killed and revive dead teammates, or to get revive stones. there also is a pool with some water and a healing aura which may come in clutch sometimes. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, KILLING FAIRIES DOES NOT REDUCE SCORE, BELIVE ME I CHECKED.

And finally, the red blood room. This room contains a special mini-boss called "The Watcher". It can be only entered with the blood key and is a small test of strength before entering the boss room. The watcher doesn't fight, instead it summons strong enemies that you need to kill, and with more as floors progress.

once you cleared a room, it will be cleared with a white checkmark. The next step is to find secrets. Do me a favor and learn all the secrets via a sever called DSG (hopefully not de-monetized?), it shows all of the secrets in every room , and its all nice and organized by room size and secret count. Also , make sure to kill at least 5 crypts for 5 bonus score.

Recommended gear (ah ----, here we go again)

So here is the part i hate the most, gear and catacombs level i recommend having before playing a floor for the first time, with some budget alternatives.

Entrance: "Tutorial complete"
This floor isnt really something too serious, its an introduction floor to dungeons and you can knock it down easily with basically whatever you have, as long as you have all of your fairy souls , a good combat level and skill average and some decent dragon armor like unstable (budget for archer/bers), wise(mage), strong(standard bers/arch) and old(support classes).

Berserker : AOTD. nothing else
Archer: Runaan's Bow & Arti shortbow
Mage: Dreadlord Sword (5 star) and if you have it, Frozen scythe.
Tank & Healer: basically use what bers uses at this stage there's not much for you yet.

Floor 1: "You are not a clown, you're the whole circus." - Miles Edgeworth
Okay so this is where dungeons first actually starts. I remember the nightmare that was this floor when dungeons first came out xdd.

For this floor I'd recommend still having your dragon sets, as you can dungeonize them without requirment. and they have some good stats aswell. For mages, you should get some dark goggles for some more damage, and a bonzo's staff. I'd recommend to get catacombs 2 before taking on this floor.

Floor 2: "Is that a Juju's Bizzare Adventure's reference?" - Scarf
This is where you start struggling a little bit. at this point you probably acquired some decent catacombs and some enemy dropped gear. I'd recommend skipping adaptive sword (which is called adaptive blade but that sounds reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally stupid) and going with 5 star AOTD, but pick up a scarf's studies while you're at it, it scales off of cata boost.

Bers: 3/4s fierce 5 star strong and undungeonized tarantula helmet (5 star AOTD)
Arch: 3/4sfierce 5 star strong and undungeonized tarantula helmet (5 star undead bow)
Mage: 3/4s wise /loving 5 star zombie soldier & dark goggles (Bonzo's Staff & Dreadlord Sword) (use full wise zombie soldier if broke)
Tank: full 5 star giant old (5*AOTD)
Healer: 3/4s 5 star zombie soldier & Mender Hat ( 5*AOTD)

Cata between 5 and 7 is recommended. shout out to @PerfectTierSquidward for making Juju non diaries, which acidentally made me say "is that a juju reference" in a call xd

Floor 3: "I can do this all day" - The Professor
Like floor 2, but slightly more difficult. The floor doesn't give anything good, but it is fast for XP, so grind it until you can enter floor 4, and once completing floor 4, grind this until dare i say floor 5, its literally faster., but its nice to pick up some cheap adaptive boots and leggings for mages and berserkers (make sure to frag and star them!). otherwise, no change in gear yet...
Catacombs 8-10 recommended (haha dungeon reference)

Floor 4: "It literally bounced off him" - Refraction

Welcome to hell! I'd say this floor is not really worth doing unless you have Paradox PoKe type aim. It's very slow and about 2.5x more difficult than floor 3. And bonus, you can now get one shot by anything in the boss fight. It is one of those floors where you need it's gear to properly do it though...

Bers: same as the last floor, but with a fot and a zombie knight chestplate (i am not kidding)
Arch: same as last floor, but for weapons you get a bonemerang and a spirit bow, but juju shortbow if you can afford one)
Mage: necrotic adaptive leggings, loving zombie soldier chestplate, necrotic spirit boots & shadow goggles (Frozen scythe, and if you have money, spirit scepter) : This setup is a bit of a mess, but adaptive chestplate is expensive and t9 perfect is too high cata.
Tank: still full 5 star giant old dragon (why is it so powerful)
Healer: 2/4s zombie soldier, spirit boost and mender fedora(wither cloak sword/5 star AOTD)

Catacombs 14, nothing lower.

This is where the early game ends and the mid game begins..........
Floor 5: "Pray for chestplate" - juju nons
This is where the game gets.. fun. truly an alien concept to most dungeon players. get ready to grind for hours, as this is the biggest jump in gear yet for some...

Bers: 3/4s fragged shadow assassin and zombie knight chestplate (livid dagger & fot)
Arch: 3/4s fragged shadow assassin and zombie knight chestplate (juju shortbow)
Mage: necrotic adaptive leggings, loving T7 perfect chestplate, necrotic spirit boots & shadow goggles (spirit scepter)
Tank : still why is old so stronk(livid dagger)
Healer: 2/4s fragged shadow assassin and zombie knight chestplate, mender fedora(fot)

Catacombs 16-17 to play this floor.

Floor 6: "So you made it ALLLLL the way here, and you wish to defy ME?!" - Sadan
This time, finally tanks mages and healers get stuff to play with. EHP starts to actually matter though...

Bers: 3/4s ancient fragged shadow assassin and zombie knight chestplate (livid dagger & fot)
Arch: 3/4s ancient fragged shadow assassin and zombie knight chestplate (juju shortbow)
Mage: 2/4s Necrotic loving Necromancer , t10 perfect chestplate and shadow goggles(Scep, optionally 5 star yeti sword if you are hella rich)
Tank: 3/4s Giant Necromancer & Revived heart, or reaper mask if you can(Livid dagger), but use 5 star old if you're broke as heck.
Healer: 3/4s Giant Necromancer & Mender Fedora (livid dagger/fot)

Honestly i'd recommend skipping playing mage in floor 6 entirely at this phase, its too slow and weak. Tank is pretty much mandatory. For DPS classes, use an ancient golden boss head of what floor you play. This is where your grind for floor 7 begins....

catacombs 22, floor 5 is good enough for xp for this to be possible.
Floor 7: "DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) OCCURS-" martincitopants
This is where dungeons stops being fun.. it becomes annoying, painful and hard (atleast for your first dozen runs)
it is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to complete floor 7 with floor 6 gear only, but if I managed to... I believe in you. this covers your first 10 or so runs. tried to be iron man friendly...

Bers: pretty much irrelevant by floor design, but if you really still wish.. full sa & fot & livid dagger) but make sure to have a yeti pet at level 75+.
Arch: Full shadow assassin & Maxed ov5 se5 juju shortbow, I am not kidding...
Mage: basically same as f6 setup, but you NEED either a yeti sword or midas staff to back up your spirit scepter.. (use wither goggles)
Tank: 3/4s 5 star giant Necromancer lord & 5 star reaper mask
Healer: same as tank, mender crown is obsolete.

EVERYONE needs an ehp pet for this, either a legendary high level blue whale (75+) or epic baby yeti for arch and bers

Its really important that you should utilize your class to its limit. Tanks and healers, dont try and deal damage, your job is too keep everyone alive. archers and berserkers, dont bother clearing the floor(unless you can/need), its the job for mages, and you should face the minis with your tank. and mages.. do what must be done... SPAM RIGHT CLICK
Once you get a bit more comfortable with the floor.. here's what you can start to do

For bers and & arch, you can sell your shadow assassin for basic wither armor (keep your sa helmet for utility/damage), and give it some upgrades to make it ready for combat. yes I am not kidding, UNREFINED WITHER ARMOR. you can save like 26M coins by farming diamante's handles yourself. after necron is acquired, Use a 5 star tarantula helmet for this stage.

Mages, sell necromancer, buy storm and drop down to floors 6 and 5, you wont be accepted without Hyperion... , but if you can get one.. you know what to do.
Tanks, sell necromancer, buy Goldor, also if you can, buy a mage setup and spirit scepter so you can clear the floor.
Same for healers.

Once here, go on with your floor 7 adventures and keep running like this until you can eventually acquire necron's handle. but beware.. it could either take not much time or you can spend 7 months straight grinding.... once it has been acquired, craft Hyperion and keep grinding until catacombs 35 where you can start doing master mode 3. (in my case i got handle and crafted Hyperion at cata 40...)

This post is getting so long.....

OOOOOKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY so floor 1's boss is Bonzo, a 2 phase fight. In the first phase he spawns a bunch of weak undead and runs away like you because he's a clown, and you can just attack him. once his hp reaches 0, he yells "YIKES!" and comes back to life, actually attacking you. nothing is too dangerous except the ballon spin attack which you can just hide behind of the pillars to stay safe.

Floor 2's boss Scarf actually has complexity. In the first phase he spawns 4 undead adventurers. 2 of them are weak as hell, 1 of them can heal and one of them can one shot a cata 40. Make sure to kill the priest as fast as possible, but beware the warrior automatically targets anyone who deals damage to it. in the second phase he revives them and becomes attackable. you can completely ignore the others, and just attack scarf to defeat him and win the fight.

Floor 3 has a new feature: Trap rooms which i explained before. There's also shadow assassins, which are lethal if you're not careful, but should be taken care of quite easily. The boss has 3 Phases: in the first you must defeat all of his 4 guardians within 10 seconds of each other or they will be all revived fully. otherwise he will revive them all at half HP. In the 2nd he becomes attackable, and you can just use your expert skywars pvp skills to defeat him. in the final phase, he merges with is guardians and claiming he'll be stronger than a wither, yet still dying in half a second.

Floor 4 has a new addition, Frozen adventurers or FAs for short. These are very strong and will slow you down and sometimes freeze you in place and do a lot of damage. you need good life steal for these, which makes them a big threat to mages and archers as a result. The watcher also has 2 new friends that zap you if you try to cheese his fight so dont do that. Thorn, the boss has one phase. He spawns massive amounts of dangerous spirit animals that attack you. You can place a decoy on the platform that the crowd spawn on to cheese his fight a bit and avoid the spirit bats which kill you instantly. Once 50 are defeated, a spirit bear will spirit spawn and spirit kill it to spirit take the spirit bow and spirit shoot the spirit ghast , and spirit complain about the spirit lag the spirit fight has. once you land 4 shots, the fight is over. yeah the spirit bow is the only way you can spirit damage thorn. (okay ill stop)

Floor 5 has new threats : fels. these are annoying endermen that are invisible until you walk right up to them, and then they charge at you - upside down, these can make clearing much slower, and might do a lot of damage if you're caught off gaurd. Livid, the boss is pretty straight forward, the easy way to defeat him is for the team to teleport beside the old eagle statue and kill all of the livid clones until you can eventually find the real one. pretty simple 1 phase fight

*Livid is an expert at the hit game among us. A M O G U S

Floor 6 has 2 new threats : Skeletor Primes and Livid (spawns from blood sometimes). for some reason, the admins thought that floor 6 is the floor where the new skeletor primes suddently deal true damage and ignore defence entirely. The boss fight has 3 phases. In the first you need to survive 100 seconds of terracottas which all deal MASSIVE damage, even with a tank. EHP pets are mandatory, although killing the terracottas will speed up the fight.There are also 6 golems,which must be taken care of during some point during the terracotta phase,or their strength will kill off everyone in a later phase. The 2nd phase features sadan releasing 4 giants from the roof because every evil Necromancer Lord keeps 4 giants hanging in cages from the roof for fun. 3 of these are pretty harmless, and then theres bigfoot. if you arent careful, bigfoot will squish you and deal high damage, sometimes even killing you. In the 3rd phase he releases a giant combination of all 4 and attacks you personally. in this phase you can also experience "nuking" as some stupid players will jump into the pit which the giant comes out of , nuking themselves and the tank if they're standing near. Why? BECAUSE ITS FUNNY.

Floor 7 has the scariest boss of them all : MAXOR- I mean Necron. aside from that though the floor's mobs have 3x the stats than the mobs on floor 6.

Maxor himself has 4 phases: In the first one you must collect energy crystals and place them on the slots, to activate a beam. once done, lure maxor into the beam to be able to damage him. if you dont do enough damage (~250M) he will become enraged and deal massive damage, and you have to repeat the previous cycle. if you do, he will say "FINE, LETS MOVE TO SOMEWHERE ELSE." and open the floor and draggin you all in. he will slowly fly down towards an area. also dont pre fire, unless your tank can take it. (pro tip, use jingle bells to agro maxor at the start as tank and use castle of stone once you can see the area of phase 2, to survive.

In phase 2 there's an area with 3 giant crushers and coloured pads. the lava deals 25% of your max hp as true damage , and knocks you into the air, which you can use to get to the pads, which are protected by shadow assassins. if you try to kill them, Maxor will automatically agro you to protect them. make sure to keep maxor away as you lightly raise the pad about 3 seconds, then your tank must perform an up crush within a small window of time, but if it fails, raise the pillar all the way up and then lower it down. if Maxor is caught under the pillar when it reaches the ground, he will blow it up and become deal another 250M damage, or you have to do the whole thing again with the 2 other pillars. once crushed 3 times/lost 250m HP, he will fly up in the air and destroy the red pillar, breaking the floor and revealing phase 3.

In phase 3 there are 4 sections a bunch of terminals, 2 levers and a big device. the terminals are short inventory based tasks that you can do in a couple seconds, and the devices are longer tasks like simon says, lights, arrows and emerald targets. you must flick the 2 levers , complete all the terminals and the device to get to the next part. make sure to always be on the move, or maxor's explosive aura will kill you no matter what.

Higher end teams prefer to split up into 4 groups. S1 (or just 1 if you can solo cheese simon says, the first device, but ask someone else to help, usually 2t or 2b), 2B (bottom) and 2t (top), 3 and 4, all who use either knockback from the lava, speed from young dragon armor or spirit leaps to get there. you can use the knockback from the lava to gain a massive jump height and simply cross over the gates and do the terminals there. there is a downside that if 1 person doesnt complete their section the run is thrown. once all sections are complete, you move on to a giant 1v1 against maxor, where he will fight you head-on. he deal much more damage he so be careful. once reaching 18% health, he will go to the middle and destroy a platform, not before an attack called "Nuclear frenzy" and you must damage him during this attack, or the explosion will grow bigger and outwards until it consomes the whole arena , killing everyone in the dungeon.

once defeated: congratulaions you won the catacombs! now do it 805 more times for a handle.

okay bye i go sleep xd



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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.