Touhou Titles (TH6 - TH19) (2024)

Quiz Lab

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Video Games

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Type in answers that appear in a list


Can you name the Touhou characters based on two of their titles based on the wiki? Titles are at either side of the answer box below.

By Icecrystal187


122 Questions

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")$ => {window.onClickObjective(reckoningQuestObjective.quest_number, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_number, reckoningQuestObjective.quest_id, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_id, $objective);});if (!window.mweb) {$j('#snark').hide();$objective.insertAfter($j('#gameOverMsg'));} else if (is_flagship_app_view) {$j('#snark').html();$objective.appendTo($j('#snark'));} else {$objective.appendTo($j('#reckoning .stats-wrapper'));}} else if (showSnark) {var snark = getSnark(userPct);var attachSnarkModalListener = false;if (snark !== '') {snark = ""+snark+"";if (!window.mweb) {if (false) {attachSnarkModalListener = true;snark += "";} else {snark += "";}}} else {$j('#snark').hide();}$j('#snark').html(snark);if(attachSnarkModalListener){ $j('#hide-snark-open-confirmation-modal').on('click', function () { var modalArgs = {title: 'Hide These Messages?',message: 'Are you sure you want to hide post-quiz messages?', onYes: function(remodal){ $j.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/ajax/user_settings.php", data: {s: 0}, success: function(response) { if (response.success) { $j('#snark').hide(); remodal.close(); } else { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }, error: function(response) { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }); } }; SporcleLib.Modal._openConfirmationModal(modalArgs); }); }} else {$j('#snark').hide();}// Update get reckoning with playlist infovar playlistData;if (mweb) {playlistData = typeof window.playlist === 'object' && window.playlist.hasOwnProperty('games') ? window.playlist : null;} else {playlistData = window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist ? : null;}if (playlistData) {playlistReckoning(playlistData, userPct, false && !stopwatch);}$j('#playGameBar').addClass('reckoning');$j('#reckonBox').show();if (mweb) {/* mobile games only */$j('#reckoning-numright').html(numRight);$j('#reckoning-time').html(displayTime(timerSecs));if (stopwatch) {$j('#reckoning-time-title').text("Stopwatch");$j('#reckoning-time, #reckoning-score').addClass('timePast');}var checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal = () => {if (userPct == 0) {return;}if (!florinsPlayGoalData) {return;}var openModal = false;if (florinsPlayGoalData.reward_claimable) {openModal = true;} else if (florinsPlayGoalData.curr_streak + 1 == florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days && florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today == 0) {// First play of the day, this should complete their play goalopenModal = true;}if (openModal) { window.SporcleLib.Modal.openFlorinPlayGoalModal({ // Fudge these values to be at the goal, since we haven't necessarily logged this play yet and it might be the 7th curr_streak : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_claimable : true, plays_today : florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today + 1, goal_days : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_amount : florinsPlayGoalData.reward_amount, })}}if (is_flagship_app_view) {let animations = window.animations;let hapticType = 'success';let completeMsg;let animConfig = {animationData : animations.checkmark,loop : true,playSegments : [[0, 30], [31, 75]]};if (userPct == 1) {animConfig.animationData = animations.perfectScore;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Perfect Score!";} else if (timerSecs == 0) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.outOfTime;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Out of Time!";} else if (_spks && !didGiveUp) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.bomb;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "You Hit a Mine!";}window.SporcleLib.Modal.openModalFromTpl($j('#post-game-modal-tpl').html(), {show_loading : false,onInit : (modal) => {let $modal = modal.$modal; 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var earnedCount = 0; //Loop through possible badge criteria to see if we earned them quizBadge.criteria.forEach(function (criterion) { var comparison = parseInt(; if( === 'percent'){ if ((comparison === 0 && userPct === parseFloat(criterion.value)) || //'0' means percent needs to equal (comparison === 1 && userPct > parseFloat(criterion.value)) || //'1' means percent needs to be greater than (comparison === -1 && userPct < parseFloat(criterion.value)) //'-1' means percent needs to be less than (at the time of writing, no badge exists like this) ) { earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'month'){ var d = new Date(); //getMonth() starts at 0 if((d.getMonth() + 1 == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getMonth() + 1 > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getMonth() + 1 < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'day'){ var d = new Date(); if((d.getDate() == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getDate() > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getDate() < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'day_of_the_week'){ var d = new Date(); if((d.getDay() == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getDay() > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getDay() < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'avg_percent' && typeof averageScore !== 'undefined') {var roundedUserPct = _.round(userPct, 2); //matches backend precision in badge trackervar roundedAvgPct = _.round(averageScore, 2);if((roundedUserPct == roundedAvgPct && comparison === 0) || (roundedUserPct > roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) || (roundedUserPct < roundedAvgPct && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } }}); earned = earnedCount == requiredCount;} else {earned = true;}} if (earned) {quizBadge.condition_earned = true;quizBadge.achieved_count++; var spliceIndex = null;_(quizBadge.remaining_conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {spliceIndex = index;}});_(quizBadge.conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {condition.earned = true;}});if (spliceIndex !== null) {quizBadge.remaining_conditions.splice(spliceIndex, 1); 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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

').appendTo($j('body'));}if (hint) {var $afterContainer = $hint.find('.afterContainer');var $after = $hint.find('.after');// Set to max width before resize$afterContainer.css({width: '120px'});$;// Set tooltip text to hint$after.html(hint);// Get width of tooltip with textvar width = Math.ceil($after[0].offsetWidth) + 1;var leftShift = 0;if (mweb) {// Make sure the tooltip doesn't go off either side of the screenvar leftBound = 51;var rightBound = $j('body').width() - 71;var buf = 11;// Shift based on width of textvar shiftLimit = Math.max(width/2 - 20, 0);if (x < leftBound) {// Too close to left edge of screenleftShift = -shiftLimit;x = Math.max(x, buf);} else if (x > rightBound) {// Too close to right edge of screenleftShift = shiftLimit;x = Math.min(x, $j('body').width() - buf);}}// Set the position of the hint$hint.css({left: x + 'px',top: y + 'px',});// Set outer container size and position$afterContainer.css({width: width + 'px',left: '-' + ((width / 2) + leftShift) + 'px'});} else {$hint.hide();}}function getRandomColor() {var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';}function hintTooltipIsDisplayed() {return $j('#hintTooltip').is(':visible');}function getCurrentHintText() {return $j('#hintTooltip .afterContainer .after').text();}// This is used to yield execution to the main javascript thread so that we can break longer running tasks into smaller tasks.// See here: yieldToMain () {return new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 0);});}async function runStartCode(stopwatch) {if (typeof gamePageIsLoaded != "undefined" && gamePageIsLoaded) {if (window.startTriggered) {return;} else {window.startTriggered = true;}if (typeof stopwatch !== 'undefined') {if (stopwatch) {window.selectTimerSetting('stopwatch');} else {window.selectTimerSetting('timer');}}// The `startGame` function does a lot, so we want to yield execution both before and after this call. Yielding before// will allow the existing task to finish, freeing up the runtime to move to the next thing in the message queue before startGame// executes. Yielding after will do the same, before we perform the rest of the actions related to starting a quiz.await yieldToMain();await startGame(1500);await yieldToMain();pickSlot();callSPHooks('postStart');}}function callSPHooks(name) {if (typeof _spHooks != 'undefined') {var hlen = _spHooks[name].length;for (var i = 0; i < hlen; i++) {_spHooks[name][i]();}}}


Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


The All-Too-Dangerous Backup Dancers
Onyx Dragon-EaterCentipede Popular Amongst Youkai
Figure of HouraiThe Crimson Watchguard
The Unidentified Fantastic Flying GirlOld Youkai #1
Bake-Danuki with Ten TransformationsTail Gets Hot in the Summer
The Butterfly Fairy who Approaches GodA Beautiful Insect, Though Not Poisonous
Undefeated Matriarch of the Gouyoku AllianceLikely-to-Win Matriarch of the Gouyoku Alliance
Store Owner of KourindouCurious Fellow of Curios
King of the Silent Bliss of NirvanaOni of Hell
Secret God of Nagashi-BinaLock That Banishes All Misfortune
The Little Dowser GeneralBest-in-Class Treasure Mouse
Pale Blue Eagle RaviEarth-Loving Moon Rabbit
Traditional Reporter of FantasyThird-Rate Newspaper Reporter
Monster of Tainted Organic MaterialChupacabra?
The Expressive Poker FaceShiver! The Noh Mask Woman of Nightmares
Phantasmal Percussionist
Fairy Herald of Spring
Maid of the Scarlet Devil MansionBuying Diligently Even When Time Is Stopped
Guide of the Sanzu River Death in the Afternoon
The Great Wheel, Having Guarded and Been GuardedThe Flower that Blooms in the Sky and Old Man
The Fearsome Well SpiritAutumn Day's Man Eater
The Shikaisen from Ancient JapanThe Five-Colored Sake Cup
The Eternal Young Scarlet MoonWorld of Crimson
The Ghost Left From the Shipwreck AccidentMiserable Expanse of the Ocean
The Most-Despicable and Disastrous Elder Twin SisterThe Simple and Frugal Poverty God
Genuine Magatama-Producing Craftsman
Ruler of DreamsDream-Bestowing Youkai
The Spoken-of Unexplainable PhenomenaKingpin of the Former Hell Spa Streets
Half-Fantasy GardenerEnjoys Chopping Up Cards
Expose the Esoteric! The Secret Sealing Club's First PresidentMystic and Difficult-to-Handle Schoolgirl
Cerberus of Forested SilenceWhite Yamainu of the Forest
The Poster Girl of Geidontei, The Fantasy Pub
The Yamanba who Surpasses This Floating World's BarriersYamanba Enjoy Black Markets
Loyal Undead
Sutra Chanting Yamabiko Suspect Who Recites Sutras Unlearned
Symbol of Abundance and HarvestHow About We Barter With Sweet Potatoes?
The Petty Patrol TenguMountain's Telegnosis
MoonlightSilent Moonlight
Bibliophile with a Deciphering Eye
The Magical ji*zō who Manifested in the Forestji*zo Statues Are Boring
Black Cat of Bad OmensHyperactive Bakeneko
Highland-Dwelling YamajorouA Lone Bookmaker Flourishing in a Gambling Den
Youkai of the DuskYoukai Hiding in the Darkness
Deified Human of the WindSuperficial and Shallow Human
Eternal Shrine MaidenUninterested in Black Markets
The Guardian Beast Devoted to Shintoism and BuddhismPure and Innocent Komainu
Disciple of BishamontenSuspect and Strongest Of the Phony Four Devas
Little Sweet PoisonDoll Unkind to Body
The Cheery Forgotten UmbrellaEven the Oblivious Umbrella is a Suspect
Shunned Hell-rebellilon Vengeful SpiritJailbreak King
Night Sparrow Apparition Today We Grill Lamprey Eel
Supreme Judge of ParadiseHelpful Lecture
One-Armed Horned HermitMenace! The Hermit Who Listens to Wishes
Mastermind behind the Spiriting AwayGensokyo's Fixer
StarlightFalling Starlight
Moon Princess Possessed by Divine Spirits
Goddess of Hell
What Winter Left BehindLocalized Cold Wave
Forgathering Dream, Illusion, and Thus a Night Parade of a Hundred DemonsHappy as Long as She Drinks Sake
Goddess who Invites Unfortunate Slips of the Tongue
Chinese GirlColorful Rainbow Gatekeeper
The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's CrustThe Green-Eyed Monster
The Most-Despicable and Disastrous Younger Twin SisterOil Sisters Who Have It All
Moon Princess Who Connects Sea and Mountain
Descendant of the InchlingsDubious!
Half Beast of Knowledge and HistoryHistory Eater
Wicked White Fox Who Whispers in EarsHates Getting Her Clothes Dirty
The Bright Net in the Dark CaveMood of Creeping Terror
God of the UnownedDon't Tell Me I'm Being Left Out?
Mermaid Living in Fresh WaterAn Aquatic Resource Worth Preserving
Stillborn Idol of the RiverbedFloating-Class Riverbed Idol
Memory of GensokyoThe Ninth Generation Savant
Super Youkai WarheadHandyman of the River
Sister of the DevilDevil of Scarlet Blood
The Wicked Hermit Who Passes Through WallsUnreasonable and Unjust Hermit
Chief of the Crow TenguThe Gallant, Gaudy Great Tengu
Shoutoku TaoistProvidence's Gift of Lush
Matriarch of the Keiga FamilyCharging Matriarch of the Keiga Family
Tsukumogami of an Aged Biwa
The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits FearThe Sickness in Everyone's Heart
Parental Guardian of Ancient FishEat Fish to Stay Healthy
The Bamboo Forest's Loup-Garou
Oriental Western MagicianMagician of the Drizzle
The Sculptor God Crafted by Utter IsolationThe Sculptor God
Ice Spirit on the LakeUnmelting Ice Spirit Under the Blazing Sun
Three Poltergeist Sisters
The Girl of Knowledge and ShadeThe Unmovable Great Library
Beautiful Stalker of Hell
Great Sage of the Small SanctuarySarugami of Sanctuaries
Fairy of HellHonestly Just Got Lost
Haniwa Lance CorporalHaniwa Soldier
Scorching, Troublesome Divine FlameDivine Bird Nuclear Warhead
Symbol of Loneliness and DemiseHeart-rending Crimson Rain
Beautiful Scarlet ClothFlying Rare Item
SunlightMischievous Sunlight
Sealed Great MagicianExtreme Speed! The Rider Monk
Lunatic Moon RabbitSight-Shaking Youkai Rabbit
Avatar of Mountain and LakesGod that Likes Hills
Matriarch of the Kiketsu FamilyIrresistible Matriarch of the Kiketsu Family
Modern-Day Thoughtography ReporterArmchair Thoughtography Reporter
Shikigami of the Gap Youkai Unusual Animal
The Ultimate, Absolute Secret GodThe Pompous and Exalted Divine Mystery
Flower Master of the Four SeasonsBeauty of the Twilight
The Rokurokubi HorrorRokurokubi Free From Stiff Necks
Brain of the MoonTown Pharmacist
Ghost Girl in the Netherworld TowerGhost of Flawless Immaculate Beauty
Ghost of the Children of the Gods
Clerical God of Hell's CheckpointForcing You to Wake Up Early
Counterattacking Amanojaku
Pinnacle of Native GodsThe Troublesome Mysterious Gods
Business Youkai of the Mountain's RecessIt Was I Who Opened the Black Markets
Orange Eagle Ravi
A Bug of Light Wriggling in the DarkSwarm of Bright Bugs
The Sinner of Eternity and the InstantaneousInhuman Princess
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-PerceptionPrefers Earth Over Heaven
Tsukumogami of an Aged Koto
Seven-Colored Puppet MasterSuperficially Busy Youkai
Hell's Traffic AccidentCat Powder Wine Infused with the Stench of Decay
The Closed Eyes of LoveTrue Horror! Standing Right Behind You
Lucky Charm for Prosperous CommerceManeki-Neko and Black Marketeer
Rabbit of the EarthThe Bare Rabbit of Fine Words and Flattery
Touhou Titles (TH6 - TH19) (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6161

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.